Individual projects




 An example of a "manual logging" log of logs




 Example log machining cylindering




Example of log timber




  Framed building construction




Estate, including agro-tourism





"BaltRegion+" - log houses, bathhouses, timber, logistics, Belarus Grodno

Polska strona internetowa                         Russian

          As is well known since ancient times, wood sluzhibsitelo people and was the healthiest material for building houses. Thermal conductivity, 35 cm wall log of wood is equivalent to 1. 5 m wall of bricks. The air passing through the tree rings, cleaned every 3. 5 hours, which means you are breathing continuously "updated", healthy air. The details of this process are known, including both moisture and pollutants come from the ends of logs and log frame does not accumulate moisture, does not freeze, so this structure meets all the hygienic and sanitary standards.


We can build houses from any materials (block, brick, wood), but we prefer and specialize in wooden construction.

We offer 4 types of wooden construction, clarification of which are given in the relevant sections ("button") site.



- This is a frame house construction, which proposes to give your special attention, since it is a modern form of house building, house is a passive (warm, energy saving), it should be noted that fachwerk are in Europe since the 14th century - Log houses of timber machining cylindering - log of a log cabin hand - Log houses from timber.


In particular, we suggest that the manufacture, delivery, installation and finishing of natural log log (at home or bath) on an individual project of any size and configuration. At the request of the customer frame may be constructed of logs required diameter.

 It is also possible changes in planning and refinement of the projects, individual design, the choice of finishing materials.

We work with each client individually, we try to maximize the figure of his preferences and wishes, and really appreciate the value of the desired structure. We offer, as a rule, the construction of "turnkey" or to "fine finish" indicating the cost per 1 m2 of floor area.

 In 2013, the export price to 350 euros per 1m3 in the product (the Seller's warehouse.) We guarantee you a high level of comfort and compliance with European standards.





            To prepare the hand round the log cabin - it must be oshkurit, calibrate the power planer, allow to dry and sanded. The work of this kind of log cabin is longer than the method of machining cylindering, but the quality of the manual log cabin is much higher.


            More expensive, but an interesting frame of laminated timber, timber that does not crack in some places as profiled on the visible sides of the excluded, even twigs, he quickly assembled and is fine it is guaranteed dolgovechnost.No it is expensive to date, the cost of 1 m ³ of the beam reaches 400-450 EUR.

        We also sell lumber in the retail and wholesale trade in specimens (board, squares) and that is our only "invention" - ready to sell round logs without manual cutting clippings cups - as the workpiece. And also we are preparing lumber (timber, board, etc.), natural moisture content (25-30%), impregnated with protective equipment.


We developed the concept of the construction of relatively cheap houses. Namely, is attached below sketch plan floor house with a design solution, the interior layout and exterior finish (this may be a house or a frame type of timber, or timber and completely blocks from CSM).

 In the office, there are other, just building on the experience we have developed, low-cost single-storey house designs as well as two-story (loft type), for example 137 m2 and 107 m2 of total area, plus a terrace (on request can be option-balcony built home sauna, billiards, tennis, etc.).


 The customer can focus on the step system of payment cottage, that is to stop at a certain stage of funding based on their capabilities, and the following is proposed as an estimated cost of this and other buildings.


- Foundation, "box" with a roof and facade, windows, exterior doors - up to 500 cu per 1m2 of the total area (hereinafter the equivalent of BYR.).

- "Turnkey" - up to 650 m 2 (with connector and internal wiring of electricity, heat and water (santenika), with the finish at the average economy-class, that is, for example-tiles to 30000r,.

 two or three outlets in the room, the kitchen four, etc., and if a customer wants a more expensive tile, it pays extra, and in any case, all the positions agreed by the parties in detail) in this case, the customer fully populated with furniture in the house.

The above project (and other projects) is expandable up to 12m and adjusted to suit.

We also offer a two-story house with the appropriate solutions.


        This house will not exceed a reasonable cost, on the contrary, we offer along with block walls or walls made of laminated veneer lumber -frame type construction of the building. Our motto is - a house for the season. Exception - only on request. We propose that the consent of the customer, design supervision of construction. We work with several designers and architects are making an example of individual works





Grodno 2009